The use of firearms and other weapons is regulated by the firearms act. It is illegal to be in possession of unlicensed gun or any other weapon. The law is against selling or trading of weapons without permission from security agencies. The mandate of regulating the circulation of firearms is purely for the security agencies. Sometimes, a person may get entangled in a paradox of these weapons and get arraigned in court.
Without strong law defenders like firearm and weapon offence lawyer Burlington getting away with the accusation may be an uphill task.
How to Exonerate oneself from Life Imprisonment once Convicted?
The fate of being arrested with firearms varies depending on the magnitude of the firearm or weapon. These weapons like knifes, machetes are termed as minor weapons while guns and ammunitions are perceived to be sophisticated weapons. However, some individuals are allowed to purchase or posses these weapons due to their social rankings. In addition, they are not exonerated in case they are found committing a crime. Other minor offences such as incorrect storage of weapons or possessing unlicensed gun are well handled by the Burlington lawyers.
Restrictions in possessing Firearms and how to deal with them.
Sometimes a person may be prohibited to possess a gun due to various reasons. These individuals are further barred from getting licenses from any authorities for failing to meet the threshold of possessing guns. In some cases, only a special rank of law enforces, can lift the ban imposed on the individual. Firearm and weapon offence attorney, endowed with vast experience are the best to seek legal action once prohibited.
Some of the issues that can get ones license withdrawn are highlighted below:
- If there are numerous domestic violence leveled against you.
- If you breach the agreements you signed and obliged to adhere diligently.
- If you are facing criminal charges.
- If you have a bad social reputation.
In such situations the law enforcers are left with no option but to terminate your license. However, with Burlington lawyers in mind, one can appeal and restore the license back.
The nature of Guns and Offences that Gangs are likely to commit.
According to the criminal code, as outlined in the Constitution, there are various offences that are likely to be committed by gangs while in possession of guns. For instance, these gangs are likely to psyche themselves up and may end up engaging in uncouth behaviors that violate other people’s rights.
For example:
- Being in possession of unauthorized weapons.
- Inappropriate usage of weapons.
- Watering of guns serial numbers to conceal identity.
- Committing assault with the gun.
- Engaging in sexual assault with the gun.
What are the Possible Penalties?

According to the weapons act and the legal restrictions, a gang found to possess unlicensed guns may face five years each in jail. It only applies to first incidence occurrence; else if the culprits are found for a second or a third time, a jail term of not less than ten years may be applied. The guns and gangs law firm Burlington may come up with possible ways to free the gangs from facing the long jail term as some members may be innocent.
However, under the watchful eye of Burlington criminal defense counsel, the courts may allow gangs to use the guns for various events such as competitions; club games and sports as long as they are legitimate.
Why hiring an Experienced Lawyer is mandatory?
It is not a must that once you are charged with a crime, you face imprisonment or any other legal punishments. Although it is among the most sensitive crimes on the land, Firearm and weapon offence lawyer Burlington have the necessary experience needed to walk you through the legal procedures.